Ministries here at Deltona Christian Church

Christian Ed image  

Christian Ed
Kids Central will soon begin for elementary children during worship. Contemporary Issues and the Bible for adults (TBA).

Disciple Women  

Disciple Women Fellowship
Provides opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education & creative ministries. Enables women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the Church of Jesus Christ. Traditionally holds several events yearly; a Women's Tea, Rummage Sale and Bake Sale.

Fellowship after church services  

After Sunday services, we join together for coffee, snacks & fellowship. It's a time to catch up with our friends & neighbors. Potluck suppers we’re suspended during the Pandemic and may resume in 2023. (TBA)

Outreach Ministry  

Our Church Pantry helps those in need in our community. We hold a drive-through food distribution on the 3rd Wednesday each month as a partner agency of Second Harvest Food Bank. Along with Iglesia Cristiana de Deltona, we have been serving over 250 households each month.


We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday and welcome all believers to participate. While our congregation is searching for our next pastor, we are hosting a variety of preachers who are proclaiming the good news of Christ and preaching from God’s Word.

Youth Fundraiser  

Summer Church Camp
We support sending children and youth to a week at church camp, The Retreat at Silver Springs. Scholarship funds and the congregation helps fund campers to attend.


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Disciples of Christ
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Special Events

Worship Service
In person
or watch
LIVE on facebook!
Sundays at 9:30am


Bible Study Wednesdays, 7pm, in the Library 

Coffee Fellowship
after worship 

Adult Sunday School after worship, 11am 

Coffee Fellowship
after worship 

Adult Sunday School after worship, 11am 

Office Hours:
Call for appointment
Sunday Hours
Sunday Worship: 9:30am

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